Start by checking your interior and right mirrors. You want to know how your actions will affect other road users.
Let others know what you intend to do by giving a right signal in plenty of time. Look out for other roads on the right and avoid giving a misleading signal. In this case you can move your position before signalling, as long as you have checked it is safe.
When you are sure it is safe, move your position towards the right and align yourself next to the middle of the road. Do not cross the centre lines unless it is unavoidable. If there are no centre lines to mark the middle of the road, you will have to look carefully at the road and try to discern where the centre lines would be if they were present.
Bring your speed down nice and early. This will give you time to assess the junction and make the right decision about when to turn. Early use of the brake is good because it offers the maximum control over the vehicle’s speed, as well as providing an early signal (in the form of brake lights) for anyone traveling behind you.