

This section is about emerging from a minor road into a major road, or to put it another way, from a side road into a main road.

We categorise 2 types of junctions - open and closed.

Open junctions - unobstructed view of the new road.

Closed junctions - Blind, view is blocked by parked vehicles, buildings, walls or hedges.

Basic routine - MSPSL

give way turn left


Start by checking your mirrors. Be sure to know what is on your left side if turning left, and your right side if turning right.


If turning left or right, let other road users know your intentions by giving a signal in plenty of time. Look out for side roads and avoid giving a misleading signal.


When turning left, approach the corner on the left side, around a metre from the kerb. Look for the point at which the kerb bends away from you and start to steer left at that moment. Continue to follow the kerb, steering as much as is necessary to maintain a steady distance of around a metre. When turning right, position next to the white centre lines and keep straight until after you have entered the new road. Time your steering so you turn onto the left side of the new road. If traveling ahead at a crossroads, keep to the left when possible. Position towards the right only if you have a reason for doing so.

emerge right


Start slowing down well before the junction. While doing so, assess how much you can see to the left and right. The more limited your view on approach, the slower you need to be as you approach the give way lines. You may need to stop to allow other road users to pass, or you may be able to maintain a "controlled roll" while assessing whether it is safe to proceed. To continue safely, you should be able to clear the junction without causing another road user to after their speed or direction.


Start looking right and left as early as you can on approach to the junction. You must look both ways at least once before you reach the give way lines. At a crossroads, remember to also look into the road ahead. Watch for pedestrians crossing near the junction and other road users who may appear suddenly from outwith your zone of vision. Keep looking right and left (and also ahead if necessary) until you are certain it is safe to proceed.

Making a decision - LADA

Look: Keep looking as your view improves. Keep turning your head from side to side.

Assess: Assess the movements of other road users. How far are they? Where are they going? What speed are they traveling at? Are they accelerating or slowing down?

Decide: While assessing the situation, you must decide when it is safe to proceed. Remember, you do not have priority at this junction so your actions should not cause another road user to have to change their speed or direction. If someone else is waiting for you or signalling for you to proceed, be sure to check it is definitely safe before taking action.

Act: When it is safe to proceed, look in the direction you are going and move off promptly.


Emerging will generally be done in first or second gear. On approach, try to establish whether you are dealing with an open or closed junction. If you are able to see clearly in all directions on approach, it is an open junction. If the view is limited, it is a closed junction. Second gear may be used if the junction is open and you can see it is safe to maintain momentum. If the junction is closed, first gear will be required to gain full control of the vehicle as you crawl slowly forwards.

Give Way

There are three major things to look out for when identifying a Give Way junction:
give way junction

1. Two thick, broken white lines painted on the left side of the road, with a single thinner, broken white line across the right side of the road

2. A hazard warning sign at the side of the road with the words "GIVE WAY"

3. A white triangle painted on the road

Many give way junctions only have the white lines painted on the road. The warning sign and the triangle may or may not be present. Beware of faded lines. Sometimes you have to look very closely to see which markings are present at a junction. Slow right down to give yourself plenty of time to look.

Interestingly, the Give Way sign is the only sign to use an upside-down triangle. This means you should be able to tell which sign it is even if the words are hidden by mud or snow!

Notice also the white hazard warning lines painted in the centre of the road. These lines warn of the presence of a hazard or potentially hazardous situation (in this case the hazard is the junction).

closed junction 1

Emerge - Closed Junction

On approach, you will be able to see that you are dealing with a closed junction. The buildings and parked car will block your view.

Use your M-S-P-S-L routine on approach, first gear will be required unless it's downhill where second maybe more suitable..

emerge closed junction

At the Junction

You will need to crawl your way forward, peep and creep, into a position where you can see.

Never - commit yourself without being able to see properly, always THINK BIKE including cyclists.

Stop Junctions

The clue is in the name: at a stop junction you must stop before the line (it's the law). The common mistake at stop junctions is treat it the same as a give way junction. The reason for doing this tends to come down to one of these two things:

The clue is in the name: at a stop junction you must stop before the line (it's the law). The common mistake at stop junctions is treat it the same as a give way junction. The reason for doing this tends to come down to one of these two things:


1. Failing to identify it as a stop junction

2. Failing to recognise the difference between stopping and almost stopping


How to identify a stop junction

1. Look out for a big, red, hexagonal sign that says STOP in large white letters

2. Look out for the word STOP in printed in very large white letters on the road

3. A stop junction has a single solid white line in place of the double broken white lines of a give way junction

Stopping and almost stopping

If you are eager to get away at the junction, it can be a fine line. The trick here is to take your time. It is a stop junction for a reason. Don't just stop behind the line; stop and take a moment. Count to three or put the handbrake on for a second. Anything to make sure that you absolutely, definitely have stopped.

Once you have stopped, you can then treat the junctions as if it is a give way. If your view is obscured, you should edge slowly forwards while alternately looking left, right and (if necessary) ahead. Move off when you can do so without affecting other road users.
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