A small amount of steering to the right will take you swiftly and smoothly into the right lane.
Cancel your signal as soon as you have changed lanes.
Accelerate if necessary to pass the vehicle(s) you are overtaking, making sure to stay at a sensible speed for the conditions and within the speed limit.
Other road users joining from the left
Sometimes, other road users will be joining the dual carriageway from the left, either via a slip road or a normal left turn. In these situations, consider whether you can make it easier for them (and safer) by moving to the right lane.
Only move to the right lane if it is safe to do so, and use the same procedure as for overtaking.
If it is not safe to change lanes, stay where you are and adjust your speed as necessary to help others merge safely.
Good use of planning and anticipation skills in these situations will help keep things as smooth and safe as possible.